Underscorre's Sandbox Wikia

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Creepypasta Wiki

Welcome to the Creepypasta Wiki. We host 28 horror stories from across the internet. Anyone is welcome to contribute to our collection by posting their own stories, or helping to correct mistakes in our existing library, but please be sure to thoroughly read our site rules and quality standards before you begin editing.


Pasta of the Month

Example by User

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eu mauris odio. Fusce quis velit tincidunt, malesuada sapien eu, tempus nibh. Ut semper justo nec massa pretium tincidunt. Aliquam lorem ex, malesuada in blandit a, placerat non massa. Nulla dapibus libero vitae urna ultricies pharetra.

Aliquam ac tristique urna, sed vestibulum lorem. Maecenas magna tellus, dapibus et purus viverra, malesuada aliquam ex. Nam arcu sapien, dignissim sit amet pellentesque malesuada, maximus sit amet dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus efficitur nisl lacus, nec aliquet magna sollicitudin eget.

Sed non aliquet lacus. Nulla orci ligula, mollis sed neque in, pharetra elementum tellus. Nulla dictum velit augue, vitae rhoncus ante porttitor in. Quisque id molestie nunc. Morbi non lectus ex. Nam id rutrum dolor. Ut nibh diam, efficitur in neque vel, elementum venenatis tellus. Integer malesuada, dolor vel gravida tempor, lacus sem pharetra ante, at varius turpis metus in justo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus lacus urna, ultricies sit amet iaculis at, rhoncus et lectus. Morbi vel pretium mauris. Curabitur quam sapien, laoreet hendrerit metus quis, congue rutrum tortor. Quisque tincidunt consectetur arcu vitae mattis.


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New Pastas

These stories were recently posted to our Writer's Showcase, where users can post their new stories in need of some love. Please consider reading through them and leaving some feedback.

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Admin Blogs

Helel ben Shahaar Helel ben Shahaar 1 April 2019

WL: Test

Greetings, my faithful minions. Hel is back yet again, and as a speacial treate, Writer's Lounge is back yet again. And who better to herald the coming of a new era then one of our new authors, the man,…

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Underscorre Underscorre 8 January 2019

Another One

It's another admin blog! Yay?

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Underscorre Underscorre 8 January 2019

Blog post

This is an admin blog post, to demonstrate that they show up.

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FAQs and Guidelines

All content is licensed under CC BY-SA.

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  • Nominate this month's Pasta of the Month here